
A1 is Austria´s leading telecommunications company. Its operative business units comprise: voice telephony, data & IT solutions including wholesale, internet access and media, wholesale voice telephony and internet, as well as value-added services. The company belongs to the Telekom Austria Group – a leading provider of telecommunication in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The group offers fixed-line telephony and mobile communication under one roof. It provides more than 2.3 million customers with fixed-line telephony and caters to over 18.9 million in the mobile communication segment. 



„marketmind provided well-founded fundamentals for the A1 brand architecture of today. We appreciate the exceptionally high technical know-how, the reliable implementation, as well as the competent consulting marketmind provides. We know of no comparable company in Austria when it comes to evaluating a brand.“

Ing. Martin Bredl, Company Spokesperson

marketmind, Marktforschung, Markenberatung, Marketingberatung, Kundenzufriedenheit, Kundenzufriedenheitsmessung, Kundenzufriedenheitsanalyse, Marke, brand, consulting, Branding, Markenforschung, Markenwert, Markentechnik, Markenführung, marketing, Markenstrategie, Markenmanagement, Markenarchitektur, Mafo, customer satisfaction, Forschung, Kausalanalyse, Imagemessung, Werbewirkungsmessung, Conjoint, Conjointanalyse, Conjoint-Analyse, Image, Dachmarke, market research, Marketing, brand equity, brand value, brand monitoring, Werbewissenschaft, Marktsegmentierung, Positionierung, Markenartikel, Preisschwellen, Targeting, Friederes, Priemer,