The Company

Since marketmind was incorporated, we have delighted both Austrian and international clients with profound competence, high quality, and customised services. Our data-based consulting approach which strives for premium performance has made us one of the largest market research agencies in Austria. Owing to our university background, our clients benefit from innovations and latest scientific insights in the fields of brand management and customer satisfaction measurement as well as product and price analyses.

customizing solutions | understanding industries
carrying know-how | befriending customers
thinking freshly | reducing complexity

Take our slogan “open your mind for more“ literally and expect more! More in terms of problem solving capability, customisation, and innovation!

Learn more about our services



marketmind, Marktforschung, Markenberatung, Marketingberatung, Kundenzufriedenheit, Kundenzufriedenheitsmessung, Kundenzufriedenheitsanalyse, Marke, brand, consulting, Branding, Markenforschung, Markenwert, Markentechnik, Markenführung, marketing, Markenstrategie, Markenmanagement, Markenarchitektur, Mafo, customer satisfaction, Forschung, Kausalanalyse, Imagemessung, Werbewirkungsmessung, Conjoint, Conjointanalyse, Conjoint-Analyse, Image, Dachmarke, market research, Marketing, brand equity, brand value, brand monitoring, Werbewissenschaft, Marktsegmentierung, Positionierung, Markenartikel, Preisschwellen, Targeting, Friederes, Priemer,