Burgenland Energie
With the merger of the two national energy suppliers BEWAG and BEGAS, the biggest economic policy project in Burgenland was realized in October 2012. As one of the most important and traditional companies in Burgenland “Energie Burgenland” is a pioneer in the field of ecological energy production in Austria and is internationally known as a pioneer of renewable energy.
„We have worked together with marketmind regularly for almost 10 years. The company excels through its comprehensive industry know-how and has therefore firmly established itself in energy market research in Austria.
Among others, we have commissioned marketmind with the following tasks:
- Analyses of purchase decisions and of potentials of churn
- Optimising customer loyalty programmes and customer communication
- Developing pricing models
- Image analyses or brand-related assignments (e.g. regarding our subsidiaries)
The range of methods encompasses complex quantitative procedures, such as conjoint analyses and models explaining causality as well as barriers to, and motivators of, change, and qualitative techniques, such as focus groups with business decision-makers. We have always been completely satisfied with the performance delivered by marketmind and would like to thank them for their very personal customer service. It is noticeable that we as the client are close to the heart of marketmind – also after many year.“
Herbert Stifter, Head of Marketing and Communications
marketmind, Marktforschung, Markenberatung, Marketingberatung, Kundenzufriedenheit, Kundenzufriedenheitsmessung, Kundenzufriedenheitsanalyse, Marke, brand, consulting, Branding, Markenforschung, Markenwert, Markentechnik, Markenführung, marketing, Markenstrategie, Markenmanagement, Markenarchitektur, Mafo, customer satisfaction, Forschung, Kausalanalyse, Imagemessung, Werbewirkungsmessung, Conjoint, Conjointanalyse, Conjoint-Analyse, Image, Dachmarke, market research, Marketing, brand equity, brand value, brand monitoring, Werbewissenschaft, Marktsegmentierung, Positionierung, Markenartikel, Preisschwellen, Targeting, Friederes, Priemer,