Hutchison 3G Austria

Hutchison Whampoa Limited from Hong Kong is the parent company of H3G and a conglomerate that comprises a total of five pillars (i.e. shipping & container ports, real estate & hotels, retailing, telecommunication & e-commerce, energy & infrastructure). In Austria, the company has been active on a highly competitive market with its wholly-owned subsidiary Hutchison 3G Austria GmbH and the mobile communications brand “3” since 2003. While in 2004 it was still only 25,000 customers that trusted the first provider of mobile multimedia, in 2010 the company already boasted more than one million customers. “3” offers both multimedia products, such as tv, music and video telephony, on UMTS mobile phones that provide all possibilities of classical mobile communication (voice telephony, SMS, MMS), and mobile broadband internet.


"What really convinces me every time is their profound consulting competence when it comes to designing the study, selecting the methods, and generally to assessing the feasibility of the studies. What makes marketmind unique is the enormous expertise in market research and the readiness to apply innovative new techniques, but also the presentation of the results and the design. The projects are almost always executed under high time pressure, and sometimes presentations are rescheduled to earlier dates. Still, marketmind always manages to deliver convincing, intriguing and complete presentations. For me personally it is very important to get competent support and more in-depth analyses also at very short notice at all times. I am particularly impressed with the keen interest in our industry and the profound discussions about the mobile telecom market. Numerous recommendations contributed by marketmind have been integrated into our strategic deliberations and in this way exercised a large influence on the design of our offerings or advertising campaigns. Besides all strengths in terms of know-how and methodological competence, I always look forward to working with them, because it simply is great fun.“

Mag. Birgit Neubert, Market Intelligence

„Relevant differentiation is crucial to sustainable market success. Identifying trends early on, probing into fundamental needs and reservations, regularly evaluating one´s own position and questioning oneself time and again have proved important tools on our road to becoming the fastest-growing company in mobile communications.

It takes a reliable partner, who absolutely identifies with our objectives, who is prepared to explore completely new, also radical, roads in market research together with us, or who develops a segmentation approach which goes far beyond the status quo. In marketmind we have found exactly such a partner who has accompanied us on this exciting and successful road for a long time already. I consider it extremely important to find companies that are guided by values similar to ours. This partnership is distinguished by the qualities of striving for excellence, consistently thinking beyond the usual, and the sustainable principle of simplifying without losing sight of the context as a whole.“
Tom Malleschitz, Chief Marketing Officer
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