Brand Controlling

„The slowest, who does not lose sight of his aim,
is still faster than he who wanders aimlessly.“

Ferdinand Lesseps (1805–1894), French Diplomat

If you want to control, you need instruments

The demands on professional brand management are more complex than ever before. Only strong brands will hold their own against attacks from aggressive challengers. Evaluation of measures of brand management and regular brand monitoring as controlling instrument in competitive surroundings are always much sought after. Cutting-edge scientific methods are capable of analysing where effective measures of brand management are to be applied – be it product design or communication.

Strategic brand management is no end in itself, rather it is about increasing brand equity. Valid brand controlling of the latest generation points to your sore spots and identifies the true strengths which you can communicate to your target groups without limitations.

The marketmind Brand Strategy Navigator analyses the perception of opinion multipliers and brand promoters as well as the view of your diverse target groups. It not only assesses awareness and image of your brands, but also the readiness to pay a premium for your brand and to recommend it to others. Eventually you learn which lever you need to activate in order to steer the brand towards increased brand equity, and continuous trackings identify short-term and long-term success of measures already taken, apart from data on sales and market share.

marketmind, Marktforschung, Markenberatung, Marketingberatung, Kundenzufriedenheit, Kundenzufriedenheitsmessung, Kundenzufriedenheitsanalyse, Marke, brand, consulting, Branding, Markenforschung, Markenwert, Markentechnik, Markenführung, marketing, Markenstrategie, Markenmanagement, Markenarchitektur, Mafo, customer satisfaction, Forschung, Kausalanalyse, Imagemessung, Werbewirkungsmessung, Conjoint, Conjointanalyse, Conjoint-Analyse, Image, Dachmarke, market research, Marketing, brand equity, brand value, brand monitoring, Werbewissenschaft, Marktsegmentierung, Positionierung, Markenartikel, Preisschwellen, Targeting, Friederes, Priemer,