Mag. Anita Salamon
Current Focus of Work and Research
Industries: Financial Services, Consumer goods, Telecommunications
Customer Experience (Customer Satisfaction Management and Mystery Testing); Brand Experience (Brand Controlling and Advertising Effectiveness Measurement); Product Development and Product Tests
Education and Awards
Studies of Business Adminstration, Vienna University of Economics and Business (1998-2004)
Specialisation in Business Administration: Advertising & Market Research and Human Resource Management
- Diploma thesis: “Repositioning Brands by means of Communication on the Example of the Cult Brand Martini: Model and Methodology“ (Department of Advertising and Market Research)
Winner of the REHAU-Prize (2004) and of the Rudolf-Sallinger-Prize of Österreichischer Wirtschaftsbund (2004)
Professional Experience
During her studies work for OMV Wien, Corporate Controlling and Corporate Strategy
First professional experience with Europ Assistance (Marketing & Sales)
Nielsen Market Research, Project Manager Consumer Research (2005-2010)
Project manager with marketmind since 2010
Social Skills and Additional Qualifications
Languages: English (fluent both in spoken and written language), French (basic knowledge)
IT-Skills: SPSS
Trainings in the following areas: Professional Selling, Negotiation & Closing, Market Research by means of New Media, English for Business Communication, Presenting, Leadership
marketmind, Marktforschung, Markenberatung, Marketingberatung, Kundenzufriedenheit, Kundenzufriedenheitsmessung, Kundenzufriedenheitsanalyse, Marke, brand, consulting, Branding, Markenforschung, Markenwert, Markentechnik, Markenführung, marketing, Markenstrategie, Markenmanagement, Markenarchitektur, Mafo, customer satisfaction, Forschung, Kausalanalyse, Imagemessung, Werbewirkungsmessung, Conjoint, Conjointanalyse, Conjoint-Analyse, Image, Dachmarke, market research, Marketing, brand equity, brand value, brand monitoring, Werbewissenschaft, Marktsegmentierung, Positionierung, Markenartikel, Preisschwellen, Targeting, Friederes, Priemer,